5.5 The Interview Review Justin February 3, 2015 Movies, Netflix, New Releases, Reviews, Streaming Going In I dig Seth Rogen. Even though he plays approximately the same character in every one of his movies, he hasn't gotten old yet. And I liked the previous installments of the Rogen/Franco trilogy:...
7.4 Stretch Review Justin November 15, 2014 Movies, Netflix, New Releases, Streaming Going In: Never heard of it. Patrick Wilson? Ed Helms? Chris Pine? Jessica Alba? How have I never heard of this? A good comedy on Netflix's streaming service is gold, so you know I've gotta check it...
8.5 An Idiot Abroad Review Justin November 5, 2014 Netflix, Reviews, Streaming, Television Going In: I generally like travel shows, and have a fondness for UK programming. Despite numerous recommendations, I avoided the show because of Ricky Gervais's involvement, whom I can only stomach in...
6.8 Maidentrip Review Justin October 31, 2014 Documentary, Movies, Netflix, Streaming Going In: Sailing hits a lot of high points for me: a graceful and elegant mode of transportation, interesting physics, and it's one of those interests where you can start simple+cheap and get as...
8.1 Snowpiercer Review Justin October 29, 2014 Movies, Netflix, New Releases, Reviews, Streaming, Video-on-demand Going in: I generally enjoy post-apocalyptic scenarios. It's an intensely interesting thought exercise to think how humanity would have to adapt to survive different scenarios, and how civilization would...
8 The Dirties Review Tim October 28, 2014 Movies, Netflix, Reviews, Streaming Going In: I stumbled onto this film quite accidentally. It was on a long list of recommended movies, but once I saw it won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2013 Slamdance Film Festival, I had to see it. I...
8.4 Tell No One Review Justin October 26, 2014 Movies, Netflix, Reviews, Streaming, Uncategorized Going In: I dig crime movies, especially those that don't shy away from complexity. I hate when they leave doors opens for sequels or audience interpretation. That usually means "we don't know how to...
8.1 Honey Badgers: Masters of Mayhem (Nature on PBS) Justin October 25, 2014 Documentary, Netflix, PBS, Reviews, Streaming, Television, Video-on-demand Going in: My brain is always hungry for new information and new perspectives. I hate how cable networks like Discovery Channel and The Learning Channel have strayed from their original focus to primarily...