Shudder Review – Horror Devoted Streaming Service Tim October 11, 2015 Movies, Streaming, Video-on-demand I was thrilled to hear AMC had launched a new video streaming service catering solely to fans of horror movies, and when I saw there was a free 2-week trial I immediately signed up. Initially I feared the...
5.5 The Interview Review Justin February 3, 2015 Movies, Netflix, New Releases, Reviews, Streaming Going In I dig Seth Rogen. Even though he plays approximately the same character in every one of his movies, he hasn't gotten old yet. And I liked the previous installments of the Rogen/Franco trilogy:...
4.1 Life After Beth Review Justin January 31, 2015 Amazon Prime, Movies, Reviews, Streaming Going In I was all-in for zombies in 2004 when Shaun and Dawn of the Dead revitalized the genre. Ten years later, zombies are played out and I'm bored with them (the notable exception being Telltale's...
7.4 Stretch Review Justin November 15, 2014 Movies, Netflix, New Releases, Streaming Going In: Never heard of it. Patrick Wilson? Ed Helms? Chris Pine? Jessica Alba? How have I never heard of this? A good comedy on Netflix's streaming service is gold, so you know I've gotta check it...
8.5 An Idiot Abroad Review Justin November 5, 2014 Netflix, Reviews, Streaming, Television Going In: I generally like travel shows, and have a fondness for UK programming. Despite numerous recommendations, I avoided the show because of Ricky Gervais's involvement, whom I can only stomach in...
6.8 Maidentrip Review Justin October 31, 2014 Documentary, Movies, Netflix, Streaming Going In: Sailing hits a lot of high points for me: a graceful and elegant mode of transportation, interesting physics, and it's one of those interests where you can start simple+cheap and get as...
8.1 Snowpiercer Review Justin October 29, 2014 Movies, Netflix, New Releases, Reviews, Streaming, Video-on-demand Going in: I generally enjoy post-apocalyptic scenarios. It's an intensely interesting thought exercise to think how humanity would have to adapt to survive different scenarios, and how civilization would...
8 The Dirties Review Tim October 28, 2014 Movies, Netflix, Reviews, Streaming Going In: I stumbled onto this film quite accidentally. It was on a long list of recommended movies, but once I saw it won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2013 Slamdance Film Festival, I had to see it. I...
8.4 Tell No One Review Justin October 26, 2014 Movies, Netflix, Reviews, Streaming, Uncategorized Going In: I dig crime movies, especially those that don't shy away from complexity. I hate when they leave doors opens for sequels or audience interpretation. That usually means "we don't know how to...
8.1 Honey Badgers: Masters of Mayhem (Nature on PBS) Justin October 25, 2014 Documentary, Netflix, PBS, Reviews, Streaming, Television, Video-on-demand Going in: My brain is always hungry for new information and new perspectives. I hate how cable networks like Discovery Channel and The Learning Channel have strayed from their original focus to primarily...